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Everybody wants to get huge amount of downloads for their app but what about the retention rate? Along with download, it is the retention rate which plays a very crucial role. Only a signup cannot mean that the app users are getting engaged. It is only 14% of users which return to an app after downloading it. Generally it is the way you present your app to users and its working efficiency which determine the users engagement within the app.
ios app developers define customer onboarding a process by which users get accustomed to become a customer and beyond. Research indicate that a well managed customer onboarding process has the potential to increase the user engagement by 4x. However, creating an effective onboarding process is not that easy task. All onboarding process are different therefore, it is vital to make your technique different to stay at top.
Here’s some of the ways by which onboarding technique can be applied and bring greater user engagement within the app:
Focus the onboarding on the benefits of the app
You should give focus on the benefit of the app in onboarding process. Obviously all benefits cannot be shows therefore, focus on few of the major ones only to make your app stand out. You can show the benefits before users signed up for your app or when they created an account. The best way is to highlight some of the most prominent benefit of the app before registration.
Persona based onboarding
Generally an app target multiple buyers personas. Using same onboarding process for different personas may not provide the personalized touch to users. For targeting multiple personas together, you can have two options:
Persona based onboarding process can help in increasing the engagement because you are in a better position to communicate how app can provide value.
Make first success easy to achieve
Users download an app for satisfying its needs. There is different reason for different people to download an app such getting information, solving problem, having fun etc. Generally, when users achieve success with the app, the level of customer engagement would increase. Developers from tablet app development agency suggest that if users achieve first success with in the app quickly, the chances for making the user staying for longer increases.
Users guidance and tutorial
One of the common reason users don’t come back, because they don’t understand the usability of the app. It is the tutorial based onboarding process which is a perfect fit for any app to guide users about what they want to achieve first success and how get started with the app.
These tutorials should not be a length ones, it should simply help users to get started. However, while giving guidance keep a room open for exploration which can bring high engagement such as:
Simplifying the sign up process
A signup form is a part of onboarding process. These are meant to capture leads, hence, they have to be simple, short and should be used at the right time. Sign up process also leads to better conversion rate to bring better user engagement.
Use these simple ways to create your onboarding process which can bring exceptional users engagement.